Posted by Simon Long Oct 2, 2018
vCommunity Twitter List
In an attempt to try and clean up my Twitter feed to make Twitter conversations and tweets a little easier to notice and follow, I followed the recommendation given to me by my followers and decided to split the Twitter accounts I follow into Lists, so they are easier to sort and categorize. One of the lists I started to put together was a vCommunity Twitter List. This list contains many of the people who make up the vCommunity. One of the cool things about Twitter Lists is you can see people who have been added to the lists and you can follow them on your own account. It’s a great way to find people with the same interests. As you can imagine, the vCommunity Twitter List is designed to include people who mostly tweet about Virtualization topics.
Tweet Criteria
Although this is a very informal list, as I mentioned earlier, the whole aim of this list is to remove unnecessary noise from my Twitter feed. So I need to try and put some restrictions in place.
What to Tweet
You can tweet about whatever you are interested in, I’m not going to become the Twitter Police. But ideally;
- Virtualization topics
- Technology topics – We are all geeks at heart
What not to Tweet
I understand that from time to time we all tweet about a wide variety of topics, try and limit the following, if possible.
- Politics …zzzZZZ
- Cat pictures
- Endless Retweets – We want your thoughts, not just the thoughts of others.
Getting added to the list
The vCommunity Twitter List is still a work in progress and always will be. My intention is to keep this Twitter List dynamic. As new people join Twitter and start to tweet about relevant Virtualization topics, they’ll be added. And on the flip side, as people’s interests change and maybe their tweets are no longer focused on the topic of Virtualization, they will be removed.
If you want to be added to the list, please message Follow Me and message me on Twitter.