VCP4 vSphere Study Notes
As far as I am aware, the VCP4 exam will always be based on the latest Documentation and Exam Blueprint. So this means, that the new features included in vSphere 4.1 will not be in the exam as they as they are not included in the current Exam Blueprint. But things like Config Max/Min's, IF asked, should reference whatever they are in vSphere 4.1.
Due to the release of vSphere v4.1 I have started to change some of the links on the exam blueprint to point to the v4.1 documentation. This is a work in progress, which I hope to have finished soon.
For those of you who don't know anything about the VCP exam have a look below for some further information.
Useful Links for VCP studying
- Scott Vessey's VMware Training Blog – Scott is a VCI and regularly post useful exam information
- Mastering VMware vSphere – By Scott Lowe (US Supplier)
- What's New in VMware vSphere 4: Performance Enhancements
- VMware vSphere 4.1 – Configuration Maximums
- VMware vSphere 4.1 Exam Blueprint Download
- VMware vSphere 4.1 Documentation – Very useful documents here!
- vSphere 4.1 Reference Card – Forbes Guthrie
- vSphere VCP4 Brown Bag Study Group – Cody Bunch
VCP4 Practice Exams
I have produced 4 practice exam's to help me learn the latest features and configuration maximums available VMware vSphere 4.1 Please feel free to use it as much as you like. If you think an answer to a question is incorrect or you would like to contribute some questions to the exam please feel free to Contact Me. If you want to be notified whenever questions are added to the practice exam Follow Me on Twitter.