HDS – VMware Best Practice Documents

HitachiSince starting at VMware I've spoken to a lot of people who've told me they have problems finding good VMware best practice documentation for HDS Storage. I was fortunate enough to attend the HDS Bloggers Day back in April, at which I met some great people and made some good contacts. I've been in touch with them and spoken to them about my colleagues views on the lack of good HDS documentation relating to vSphere and they pointed me to the following website:


The site contains many PDF's and video's including:

So if you're using HDS Storage, it might be worth giving it a look.  

If you can't find something you need on there, contact me via the Contact page and I'll get in touch with Hitachi for you.

Update: I've managed to get another couple of links for you:

VMware Auto Deploy – Stateless ESXi

Over the past few days I've been looking into deployment tools to help me deploy a large amount of ESXi Host's in a short space of time. One of the tools I've been looking at is VMware Auto Deploy

VMware Auto Deploy

VMware Auto Deploy

The auto deploy application which comes as an OVT template is basically just a jumped-up vMA, with the added extra's of DHCP, TFTP, HTTP servers and a deploy-cmd CLi and Database.

Here is a brief overview of how VMware Auto Deploy works once configured:

  • PXE boot the target server
  • ESXi is installed onto the target server from the auto deploy app
  • The ESXi host will then be added into your vCenter
  • The ESXi host will then have a Host Profile applied to it.

This makes life pretty easy.

What I didn't know and it didn't mention on the labs site was that the ESXi install was Stateless. The ESXi install is only held in memory. So if you reboot the server you'd see a "No Operating System Found" message.

Before VMware Auto Deploy, I hadn't ever given Stateless ESXi a second thought. The configuration of a host once ESXi was installed was a lot more detailed than the initial install itself and took time to complete. Now with the use of Host Profiles we are able to Install and Configure an ESXi host within a matter of minutes and 100% automatically. At this rate I'll be doing myself out of a job! However, I also believe it's the way most large deployments will head in the not so distant future. We are beginning to see an increase in the amount of diskless servers/blades coming onto the market, which is ushering us down the route of using Stateless installs. 

I'm not going to go into the in's and out's of the application configuration as it's all available in the VMware Auto Deploy Administrator's Guide. It's very simple

Is Jumbo Frames Working?

jumboframesI saw this little discussion on an internal mailing list a week or so ago and I've decided to post it too The SLOG – 1. So I don't forget it, 2. I'm sure many of you will at some point use Jumbo frames in the future on your vSphere environments.

Question: "Assuming that I enable jumbo frames, is there a way on in the VM to determine is jumbo frames are truly supported end-to-end?"


In your VM, ping your destination with a large message and specify don’t fragment.

  • Linux VMs:         ping –M do –s 8000 <ip address or destination>
  • Windows VMs:  ping –f –l 8000 <ip address or destination>
  • ESX(i):                vmkping –d –s 8000 <ip address or destination>

VOTE NOW – Top 25 VMware Virtualization Blogs

Another year has passed….Where the hell did that go? Well you may or may not have heard that the vSphere-Land.com Top Bloggers in VMware and Virtualization Award nominations have been released and voting has commenced.

Once again I'm both pleased and honoured to have my Blog on the shortlist amongst some of the worlds top Virtualization Bloggers.

So if your a regular reader of the various Virtualization Blogs, it would be great if you could vote for your favourites.

For more information visit www.vsphere-land.com

Management Of Your vCloud Is Done Via The vCD Because….


Trying to admin your vCloud using the vSphere Client might become a little confusing.

VMware VCAP4-DSA Available From 13th September 2010

exam-revisionScott Vessey has just announced on his VMTraining Blog that the new VCAP4-DSA Exam will be available as of the 13th September.

I've been waiting for this for a while as I missed the opportunity to site the Beta exam. So, I'm off to grab the latest copy of the Exam Blueprint to start preparing.

Good Luck!

VMware MVP – Coming Soon?

 Remember this?

Watching this brought back the excitement I felt after the VMware MVP presentation that VMware made back at VMWorld 2008. Since then it's all been quiet…..Until now.

Read the rest of this entry »

VMworld 2010 – San Francisco vBeers

vBeersVMworld San Francisco is looming and there have already been some great events announced such as VMUnderground’s WuPaaS on Sunday evening(for more details see here) and the Official VMworld Tweetup (details here) on Monday.

With VMworld kicking off on a Monday this year many folk will be rolling into town over the weekend so what better time to arrange a nice social get together on the Saturday night before the main event’s festivities begin.

Based on this Simon Seagrave and myself put our heads together and thought that a vBeers sounded like a jolly good idea, so if you’re in San Francisco on the Saturday night and would like to come and meet fellow virtualizationgeeks enthusiasts then make a note in your diary and come along.  All welcome and the more the merrier!

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vBeers: August 5th 2010

vbeersHi guys, just a quick post to remind you that the next vBeers will be help this Thursday, August 5th. The last vBeers was great fun, I met a lot of new people so I'm hoping there will be more new faces again this time. This time I must remember to eat something!!

When & Where

The London vBeers is held on the first Thursday of every month starting at 6pm in ‘The Cittie of Yorke’ pub which is placed centrally to both London’s West End and The City. This venue serves a fine of selection of English beers along with soft drinks and bar snacks.

  • Location: The ‘Cittie of Yorke’, London
  • Address:  22 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6BS
  • Nearest Tube:  Chancery Lane
  • Time: 6:00pm
  • Ye Olde Map: MAP

What are vBeers?

Read the rest of this entry »

VCP Changes Post vSphere 4.1

VMware have just released their latest version of vSphere, version 4.1. There are a lot of new features and changes, all of which can be found here: What’s New in vSphere 4.1

So, what does that mean for you if you're about to start studying for the VCP exam? Well I've heard from an "unofficial" source that the VCP will always be related to the current software version. I'm waiting on official confirmation of this from VMware, but Scott Vessey is very seldom wrong and his Blog is where I found this information.

So from now on, I'd recommend using the latest vSphere 4.1 Documentation as part of your VCP Studies and the latest version of the VCP Exam Blueprint which you can download from here

Update: If VMware decide that there are features in vSphere 4.1 that would be benifical for a VCP to know, then they will release a new Exam Blueprint with the relevant changes in. I of course will let you know if this happens and I will also do my best to change my online blueprint links page to suit.