What is Datrium Cloud DVX?

Datrium Cloud DVXIn a previous post, I talked about ‘What is Datrium DVX?’.
If you are not familiar with Datrium DVX, I’d recommend reading that post first as Cloud DVX integrates with on-premises DVX.

Datrium Cloud DVX

Cloud DVX is a SaaS backup service offered by Datrium that enables on-premises vSphere customers to replicate backup snapshots of their virtual machines and files into public cloud storage (AWS).

By replicating snapshots of virtual machines and files to Cloud DVX, customers are ensuring their data is safely stored offsite should there be a disaster within their own private datacenter. It’s a similar concept to the good old days of tape backups; backing up data to tape drives and sending them to a 3rd party to store offsite. Except of course with Datrium, everything is done automatically for you and the recovery of your data can be almost instantaneous. Read the rest of this entry »

What is Datrium DVX?

Having recently joined Datrium, one of my first tasks is to begin to understand the product Datrium calls DVX. As a way of helping me wrap my head around this technology, I’ve decided to blog about it. I plan on starting at a high-level and then slowly digging deeper under the covers as I learn more.

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So to begin with, let’s start at the 100 level.

What is Datrium DVX? – 100 Level

Datrium DVX offers Disaggregated Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (DHCI) along with Cloud Mobility. Yep, lots of buzzwords there! So what does that actually mean? Let’s start with the basic question, “What is the Datrium DVX solution made up of?”

Datrium DVX
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